National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41977088, 41807089)
探讨长期种植作物对农田土壤有机碳的影响程度,对于早日实现农业“碳中和”与可持续发展具有重要意义。以Meta整合分析法定量分析长期种植作物下中国农田土壤有机碳含量的变化特征,并系统分析各类因素的影响程度。结果表明,中国长期种植作物耕层土壤有机碳含量整体提高了17.85%,但随土层加深有机碳增幅呈降低趋势。当海拔为200~600 m、温度为8~15 ℃和降水为600~1000 mm时土壤有机碳的积累程度最大。除pH和碱解氮外,随着初始土壤养分含量的增加,有机碳增幅呈下降趋势,其中土壤有机碳为0~10 g·kg-1、全氮为0~0.9 g·kg-1、速效磷为0~10 mg·kg-1、速效钾为0~75 mg·kg-1时有机碳增幅最大。中国相对温暖湿润的低海拔暖温带地区更有利于农田土壤有机碳的积累。随土层加深,长期种植作物对土壤有机碳增加的影响逐渐降低。除碱解氮外,初始养分越贫瘠的土壤越有利于有机碳的积累。在各类田间管理措施中,秸秆全量还田对促进土壤有机碳的积累最为有效。
【Objective】 Carbon sequestration and emission reduction of farmland soil is an important area to realize the "dual carbon" strategy in agriculture. This study attempted to explore the impact of long-term crop cultivation on soil organic carbon (SOC) under different climatic conditions, soil properties, and agronomic measures, as well as to clarify the natural and artificial conditions conducive to SOC accumulation under long-term crop cultivation in China.【Method】 This study collected and sorted out 147 published literature on SOC changes in China during cultivation over 5 years from 1990 to 2022, and finally established 934 databases. Meta-analysis was used to quantitatively analyze the changes in SOC under long-term crop cultivation in China, and systematically analyze the influence degree of various factors.【Result】 Under the influence of climate, initial soil properties, and agronomic measures, the SOC content in the topsoil of long-term crop cultivation in China increased by 17.85% overall. However, the increase in organic carbon decreased with the deepening of the soil layer. The warm-temperate zone climate had the most obvious effect on SOC accumulation, reaching 33.62%. When at an altitude of 200~600 m, a temperature of 8~15 ℃, and precipitation of 600~1 000 mm, the accumulation of SOC was the highest, increasing by 28.90%, 35.11%, and 31.33%, respectively. In addition to pH and alkali-N, the increase in SOC under long-term crop cultivation continued to decrease with the increase of initial SOC, total nitrogen, and other available nutrients. When the initial nutrient content in the soil was at a low level (0~10 g·kg-1 SOC, 0~0.9 g·kg-1 TN, 0~10 mg·kg-1 Olsen-P and 0~75 mg·kg-1 Olsen-K), the increase in SOC was the highest, increasing by 35.65%, 44.72%, 24.98%, and 6.38%, respectively. In addition, all conventional agronomic measures currently have an increasing effect on SOC content. The total straw return had the largest increase in SOC, which was 33.62%. Long-term non-fertilization had no significant impact on SOC.【Conclusion】 The low altitude warm temperate zone in China was more conducive to the accumulation of SOC in farmland soil. As the soil layer deepens, the increase in SOC caused by long-term crop cultivation gradually decreases. In addition to alkali-N, soils with poorer initial nutrients (SOC, total nitrogen, Olsen-P and Olsen-K), are more conducive to the accumulation of SOC. Among various field management (straw returning, film covering, fertilization and tillage), total straw return is the most effective in promoting the accumulation of SOC. These research results are of great significance for achieving carbon neutrality and sustainable development in agriculture as soon as possible.
张迎春,王萍,刘亚龙,汪景宽.长期种植作物对中国农田土壤有机碳影响的Meta分析[J].土壤学报,2024,61(6):1628-1638. DOI:10.11766/trxb202308230339 ZHANG Yingchun, WANG Ping, LIU Yalong, WANG Jingkuan. Effects of Long-term Crop Cultivation on Soil Organic Carbon in China's Farmland: A Meta-analysis[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2024,61(6):1628-1638.