



Effects of Straw Carbon Types on Fungal Community Characteristics of Soil Aggregates
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Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (No.ZR2021QD036) and the Agricultural Science Technology Innovation Program (No.ASTIP-TRICO3), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.32301969)

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    真菌的分解作用是驱动土壤养分循环和能量流动的主要动力,然而在团聚体尺度上,真菌群落对不同类型秸秆碳输入的响应特征及关键环境因子尚不明确。以玉米秸秆为原料,设置常规粉碎秸秆(RS)、腐熟秸秆(DS)和秸秆生物质炭(BC)3种秸秆碳类型的等碳量还田处理,并以不施秸秆(CK)为对照,探讨秸秆碳类型对土壤大团聚体(> 0.25 mm)和微团聚体(< 0.25 mm)中真菌多样性、真菌群落组成及分布、菌群内部相互作用关系的影响,并进一步探究影响土壤真菌群落变化的关键环境因子。2年田间试验结果表明,RS处理显著降低了< 0.25 mm微团聚体和> 0.25 mm大团聚体中真菌的 α 多样性(P < 0.05)。各处理的优势菌门前三位的为子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、被孢霉门(Mortierellomycota)、担子菌门(Basidiomycota),优势菌属前三位的为小不整球壳属(Plectosphaerella)、毛壳菌属(Chaetomium)、被孢霉属(Mortierella)。与不同团聚体粒级相比,秸秆碳处理显著引起了真菌群落结构的分异(P < 0.01),其中RS处理的真菌群落结构显著区分于其他处理。共现网络分析表明,BC处理提高了纳入真菌共现网络的节点数量(10.08%)和模块性(5.55%),DS处理提高了纳入共现网络的节点(11.17%)、边的数量(32.57%)和节点平均度(19.27%),均提高了土壤团聚体真菌群落结构的稳定性。Mantel test分析发现,铵态氮(AN)和pH是影响土壤团聚体真菌群落结构的关键环境因子,且RS处理的真菌群落受土壤环境因子影响最大。真菌群落功能预测分析表明,3种秸秆碳的输入均能降低病原型真菌的相对丰度,减少农田土传病害的发生。综上所述,短期内秸秆还田,不同土壤团聚体真菌更易受秸秆碳类型的影响而产生分异,添加腐熟秸秆和秸秆生物质炭短期内能提升土壤AN含量,进而提高真菌网络的复杂性,促进真菌群落稳定,因此在实际生产中应考虑适当增加腐熟态或炭化态秸秆碳投入以促进土壤生态功能稳定。


    【Objective】 Fungal decomposition plays a key role as the primary driving force of the nutrient cycling and energy flow in the soil. However, the response characteristics of fungal communities to different types of straw carbon inputs and the key environmental factors at the aggregate scale are not yet clear.【Method】 In this study, corn straw was used as the experimental, and three treatments were set according to the equal carbon content of straw returning: regular crushed straw (RS), decomposed straw (DS) and straw biochar (BC). A control group without straw application (CK) was also set up. The study aimed to investigate the effects of different carbon types from straws on the diversity, composition, and distribution of fungi in soil macroaggregates (>0.25 mm) and microaggregates (<0.25 mm), as well as the interactions within fungal communities. Furthermore, key environmental factors influencing the variation of soil fungal communities were explored.【Result】 The results of a 2-year field experiment indicate that RS treatment significantly reduced fungal α diversity (P<0.05) in microaggregates (<0.25 mm) and macroaggregates (>0.25 mm). The top three dominant phyla in each treatment were Ascomycota, Mortierellomycota, and Basidiomycota, while the top three dominant genera were Plectosphaerella, Chaetomium, and Mortierella. Compared to different aggregate size fractions, the treatment with straw carbon significantly induced differentiation in fungal community structure (P<0.01), with notably distinct fungal community structure observed in the RS treatment compared to the other treatments. Also, analysis of fungal co-occurrence network showed that BC treatment increased the number of nodes (10.08%) and modularity (5.55%) while DS treatment increased the number of nodes (11.17%), the number of edges (32.57%) and the average degree of nodes (19.27%) included in the co-occurrence network, and all of which improved the structural stability of the fungal network of soil aggregates. The Mantel test analysis found that ammonium nitrogen (AN) and pH were the key environmental factors affecting the fungal community structure of soil aggregates, with the fungal community in the RS treatment being the most influenced by soil environmental factors. The prediction analysis of fungal community function showed that the input of straw carbon could reduce the relative abundance of pathogenic fungi and reduce the occurrence of soil-borne diseases in farmland. 【Conclusion】 Our results reveal that in the short term, different soil aggregates of fungi are more susceptible to the influence of straw carbon types, leading to differentiation. The addition of decomposed straw and straw biochar can increase soil AN content, thereby increasing the complexity of the fungal network, thus, promoting fungal community stability. Therefore, for practical applications, it is advisable to consider appropriately increasing the input of decomposed straw or straw biochar to promote the stability of soil ecological functions.

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    发 布

王萍,董建新,夏龙龙,何京,况帅,徐艳丽,丛萍.秸秆碳类型对土壤团聚体真菌群落特征的影响[J].土壤学报,2024,61(6):1714-1728. DOI:10.11766/trxb202309250398 WANG Ping, DONG Jianxin, XIA Longlong, HE Jing, KUANG Shuai, Xu Yanli, CONG Ping. Effects of Straw Carbon Types on Fungal Community Characteristics of Soil Aggregates[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2024,61(6):1714-1728.

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