



Effect and Mechanism of Polystyrene on the Co-transport of Copper and Soil Colloids in Saturated Porous Media
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    土壤环境中普遍存在的胶体物质深刻地影响着污染物在土壤和地下水中迁移转化,而微塑料作为一种新兴的污染物,其对胶体及胶体协同污染物运移的影响尚不明确。为此,以聚苯乙烯(Polystyrene,PS)微塑料为研究对象,采用室内砂柱实验,结合沉降实验及傅里叶红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,FTIR)等手段,探讨微塑料对土壤胶体、铜(Cu2+)及其共运移的影响机制。结果表明,PS通过与土壤胶体异质聚集、竞争多孔介质表面沉积位点及空间位阻作用,促进了土壤胶体的迁移,且在Cu2+存在时,促进作用更显著。与土壤胶体相比,低浓度低吸附性的PS对Cu2+迁移的影响不明显,83.47%的Cu2+以溶解态的形式迁移,而土壤胶体作用下35.25%的Cu2+以胶体态的形式迁移。PS虽然增强了土壤胶体的移动性,但是降低了其对Cu2+的吸附,促进了溶解态Cu2+的迁移,对总Cu的出流浓度没有显著影响。此外,PS的移动性也受到土壤胶体和Cu2+的影响。总体而言,土壤环境中的微塑料不仅直接与Cu2+相互作用,而且还可以改变土壤胶体的性质,胶体性质的改变可能是微塑料影响Cu环境行为的主要原因。


    【Objective】 The ubiquitous colloidal substances in the environment profoundly affect the transport and transformation of pollutants in soil and groundwater. The impact of microplastics, as an emerging pollutant, on the transport of colloids and colloid-associated pollutants is still unclear. 【Method】 Therefore, column experiments were conducted in saturated quartz sand, with polystyrene (PS) microplastics as the research object. By combining with sedimentation experiments, Fourier infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and other methods, the influencing mechanisms of microplastics on soil colloid, copper (Cu2+), and their co-transport were investigated. 【Result】 The results showed that PS facilitated the transport of soil colloids through mechanisms involving heterogeneous aggregation with soil colloids, competition for surface sites on quartz sand, and steric hindrance. This promotional effect was more pronounced in the presence of Cu2+. In comparison to soil colloid, the effect of PS on Cu2+ migration was not obvious due to its low concentration as well as low adsorption capacity. In the presence of PS, 83.47% of Cu2+ was transported in dissolved form, while 35.25% of Cu2+ was transported in colloidal form under the effluence of soil colloid. PS enhanced the mobility of soil colloids, but it concurrently reduced the adsorption of Cu2+ and facilitated the transport of dissolved Cu2+ compared to the scenario with only soil colloids. However, PS did not have a significant impact on the effluent concentration of total Cu. Furthermore, the mobility of PS was also influenced by soil colloids and Cu2+. 【Conclusion】 In general, microplastics in the soil environment not only directly interact with Cu2+, but also alter the properties of soil colloids. Changes in colloidal properties may be the primary reason for the impact of microplastics on the environmental behavior of Cu.

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    发 布

龚佳琪,董亚楠,徐绍辉,林青.聚苯乙烯对饱和多孔介质中土壤胶体与铜共运移的影响及机制[J].土壤学报,2025,62(2):436-447. DOI:10.11766/trxb202401150028 GONG Jiaqi, DONG Yanan, XU Shaohui, LIN Qing. Effect and Mechanism of Polystyrene on the Co-transport of Copper and Soil Colloids in Saturated Porous Media[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2025,62(2):436-447.

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