Abstract:Un the basis of a series of soil survey made in the Hwaiho Valley(淮河流域),a plan on land classification for this area has been proposed as references for making arrangement in establishing irrigation systems, in land utilization, as well as in soil improvement. Three fundamental principles are considered to be important on land classification, i. e.(1)the practices in soil improvement must be considered in connection with those in land utilization, (2) the land classification should be considered on land utilization both of the present day and of the future time, and(3) the main factors and criteria adopted for land classification must be appropriate to the particular regional conditions. The main factors used in land classification of the Hwaiho Valley are suggested as follows:(1)soil types together with their physical and chemical properties, (2)geomorphological characteristics,(3)depth and chemical composition of ground water, (4) present status and further improvement in drainage and irrigation, (5) present status in land utilization and estimate on soil productivity, and (6) fundamental problems in the promotion of soil fertility.According to the factors just mentioned, a system of land classification has been proposed for the Hwaiho Valley where the land may be classified into seven main types.