Abstract:After soil survey of the whole region, it is found that the soils of the North China Great Plain consist of four great soil groups including drab soil, light meadow soil, glei swamp soil and saline soil. The term "calcareous alluvial soils" formerly used hardly interprets any mean of soil formation and productive characteristics.The drab soils formerly named as "Shangtung brown soils" are generally located on the alluvial fan and the foot of mountains. Owing to the higher relief, excess drainage and deeper ground water (below 4-6 meters), salinization is not found. The drab soil is neutral to slightly alkaline in reaction. The chemical data show no evidence of chemical decomposition of clay, but the disintegration of soil particles-clay formation is quite obvious. Along the foot of Taihang range, the drab soils are covered with new calcareous material and bring out the process of recalcification shown by the presence of pseudo-mycelins in the soil profiles.