Abstract:Response of paddy rice to copper fertilizer in permanently waterlogging and long-termed waterlogging paddy soils in hilly region of southern part of Anhwei Province is discussed in this paper. 67% of the field experiments showed response to copper fertilizer, with ideld in prease of 5.2-41.4% (45 kg/mu on average); while 89% of the field experiments conducted in permanantly waterlogging paddy soils was responsive to copper fertilizer. The available copper of permanently waterlogging paddy soils extracted with the same solution was 317 ppm on average. In these soils the organic matter content averaged 3.99% and Eh 71 mV. It indicates that the available copper and Eh are lower, while available iron and organic matter are higher than those in long-termed waterlogging paddy soils and ameliorated paddy soil.