Abstract:A field experiment was carried out to study P absorption by hybrid rice and P supply by soil as well as the effect of P on the growth and physiological effect of hybridied rice.Results showed that for hybrid rice with a high yield of more than 1000kg,the P requirement of early rice was more than that of general cultivar,while that of late hybrid rice was less than that of general cultivar.The amount of P absorbed by hybrid rice during the middle growing stage was over half of the total P absorbed during its whole growing period.However,the P supply by soil was less at the middle growing stage of rice.When rice plant suffered from phosphorus deficiency,it grew with short,small leaves and few tillers.Phosphorus fertilization could make rice grow normally,ripen early and get high yield.With the increasing of phosphorus applied the contents of Pin rice leaves and seeds as well as shoots ail increased.In the case of insufficient supply of phosphorus protein and nitrogen contents in the leaves of rice decreased.Fertilization of P enhanced the rate of photosynthesis of leaves,raised the grain yield and shortened the growth period of rice plant.It was found that the decrease of phosphorus content in leaves of rice was accompanied by an increase of starch accumulation and a decline of sucrose:Lack of phosphorus would decrease the efficiency of nitrogen and potassium applied,while phosphorus application could enhance the absorption and use of nitrogen and potassium by hybrid rice.