Abstract:An experiment was carried out using the principle of iodinestarch staining tracing heterogeneous flow in soil to depict movement of heterogeneous water flow and transport of solute. In two experimental plots, 1.0 m×1.0 m each, 60 mm of iodide solution was applied. A profile was dug layer by layer till 70 cm in depth. Then starch solution was sprayed over the profile, making the area the iodide solution passed through stained. Image analysis and calibration experiments were conducted to characterize soil color and iodine concentration. Annular histogram method was introduced to represent heterogeneous flow features with taking concentration spatial distribution and heterogeneity information into consideration. The iodine-starch staining tracing method was proved to be a better one to display the pattern of heterogeneous flow, and the annular histogram analysis demonstrated that the discrete degree of iodide concentration distribution increased with the decrease in concentration. To describe heterogeneity of the flow, it is necessary to take into account the heterogeneous features of the flow going in vertical and horizontal directions. Similarity of heterogeneous flows declined with the increase in distance the flows covered.