Abstract:In order to find a simple method fit for estimating soil water retention curves of paddy soils in the Taihu Lake region, thirteen physico-empirical methods were evaluated,based on measured basic soil properties and soil water retention curves. Results show that physico-empirical methods based on shape similarity were superior to most of the fractal methods in prediction effect, but inferior to the pore surface fractal model based on the Kravchenko- Zhang fractal dimension method and the Brooks-Corey soil moisture curve equation (shortened as KZBC model). The physico- empirical methods varied in accuracy of the precision of soil moisture content under different pressure heads. So in practice, it is necessary to take into account not only the applicability of a model, but also the scope of pressure head. The KZBC model is the highest in prediction accuracy and practicability and hence the best model in this study for estimating soil water retention curve of the paddy soils in Taihu Lake area.