Abstract:Characteristics of coleopterans in soil at different stages of vegetation succession of Leymus chinensis grassland were studied in Jilin Province in June, August and October of 2007. A total of 1 670 soil coleopteran individuals were captured and fell into 19 families, among which Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Curculionidae larvae were dominant, and especially the latter were found almost everywhere. Significant differences were found in number of individuals and groups of soil coleopterans between the stages. The vertical distribution of soil coleopterans was characterized by gathering in the surface soil. Diversity index(H′) of the soil coleopterans varied from stage to stage, showing an order of Leymus chinensis community > Leymus chinensis + Chloris virgata community > Chloris virgata community > Suaeda salsa community, which was closely related to the process of vegetation succession. Seasonal changes were quite obvious in individual number, group number and diversity index(H′) of the soil coleopterans and the number of individuals peaked in August, except for the stage of Chloris virgata community. Grey correlation analysis revealed that soil water content, soil pH and soil organic matter are factors significantly affecting soil coleopterans.