Abstract:It is more efficient to use crop simulation models to evaluate alternative ways to improve agroecosytem performance than experiments only of the biophysical system. A key evaluation process prior to a model’s application is its sensitivity of yield and soil nutrients to input parameters because effects of parameters under one condition may not have the same sensitivity in other location. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and test the sensitivity of the DSSAT v4.5 to changes in agricultural management parameters. Maize (Zea mays L.) growth, development and yield was simulated using the DSSAT model in conjunction with a field experiment that was conducted in Northeastern China on a black soil (Mollisols). The cultivar coefficients were obtained using field data and then the sensitivity of the simulated LAI, aboveground biomass and yield to various input parameters was examined. Sowing 8 to 10 days earlier resulted in maize yield reductions of 10%. Yields increased curve-linearly with the increases in plant density in the low to mid range (< 5 plants m-2), and levelled off when the density reached 5 plants m-2. Fertilizer N rate followed a diminishing yield pattern with the maximum yield being obtained at a fertilizer N rate of N 200~240 kg hm-2. The best fertilizer N application date was 15 – 23 June. This work confirmed that DSSAT model could be a useful simulation tool to be used for simulating maize growth under other regions of China and sensitivity method established in this research could be used for other crops, such as rice and wheat. Sensitivity analysis of soil C and N in response to crop managements is required in future study.