Status quo and variation of soil fertility in paddy field— A case study of Hubei Province

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    Through the project of soil testing and fertilizer recommendation in 2005~2009, a lot of data about soil nutrients in paddy fields were acquired. Based on the data obtained in Hubei 2008, status quo of the soil fertilities in seven rice producing regions of the province, namely, E’dong, Jianghan Pingyuan, E’dongnan, E’dongbei, E’zhong, E’xibei, and E’xinan were systematic analyzed and compared with the data obtained during the second national soil survey to explore laws and causes of the variation of soil nutrients in paddy field. Results show that presently the paddy soils in Hubei Province were 10~40 g kg-1 or 26.1 g kg-1 on average in organic matter, > 90 mg kg-1 or 124.2 mg kg-1 on average in alkalystic N, 5~40 mg kg-1 or 13.1 mg kg-1 on average in available P, and 50~150 mg kg-1 or 89.1 mg kg-1 on average in available K, and 5.0~7.5 in pH or 6.3 on average. The soil nutrients varied to a varying extent from region to region. In view of the province as a whole, the distribution of organic matter was characterized by being high in the east and south and low in the west and north, that of alkalystic N being high in the west and south and low in the east and north, and that of available K and pH both being high in the west and north and low in the east and south, while that of available P did not show any apparent rule. Compared with the findings of the second soil survey, the contents of organic matter, alkalystic N and available P increased while pH decreased as a result of long-term application of N and P fertilizers at an increasing rate and increased area and rate of straw incorporation. However, inadequate application rate of K fertilizer and the adoption of high K-demanding rice cultivar led to decrease in available K in the soil. Obviously in rice production in Hubei Province, to increase K application rate, to readjust the ratio of N:P:K rationally, and to lime the paddy fields at a proper rate while incorporating rice straw into the soil are effective approaches to raising soil fertility and preventing acidification of the paddy soils. The study also demonstrates that by making full use of the data of the project of soil testing and fertilizer recommendation and conducting systematic study of the soil nutrient data, it is feasible to obtain full knowledge of the status quo and variation of soil fertility of a region.

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wangweini, lujianwei, lumingxing, daizhigang, lixiaokun. Status quo and variation of soil fertility in paddy field— A case study of Hubei Province[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2012,49(2):319-330.

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  • Received:November 04,2010
  • Revised:February 22,2011
  • Adopted:May 19,2011
  • Online: December 15,2011
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