Effect of Combined Soil Amendment Regulating Chemical Forms of Cadmium and Arsenic in Paddy Soil and Their Bioaccumulation and Translocation in Rice

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Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41501344), the Science Research Project jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance, PRC (Document [2015]No. 38) and the Science Research Project of the Education Department in Hunan Province (No. 15K148)

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    For remediation of paddy soil complexly contaminated with cadmium and arsenic, a pot experiment with rice planting in the paddy soil collected from southern Hunan Province, China, was conducted to study effects of a combined soil amendment, HZB (hydroxyhistidinet zeolite biochar) on chemical forms of Cd and As in the tested soil and on accumulation and translocation of Cd and As in rice. Results show that application of HZB significantly increased soil pH (by 0.19~0.79) and soil CEC (by 22.1%~60.4%). In addition, it reduced the content of labile soil acid soluble Cd by 6.5%~22.9% by promoting transformation of soil Cd from soluble to insoluble ones. As a result, the content of soil organic Cd increased by 2.5%~56.5%. Application of HZB also promoted transformation of soil As from soluble to insoluble, thus increasing the content of calcium-bonded As by 2.8%~53.3%, and reducing the content of soil exchangeable As by 7.0%~39.5%. However, when the application rate of HZB reached beyond 4.0 g kg-1, the content of soil exchangeable As turned upwards again. It was found in this experiment that Cd bioaccumulation factor (BAF) of rice roots varied in the range of 0.65~1.21, while As BAF in the range of 0.033~0.049, showing obviously that bioaccumulation capacity of the plants was greater for Cd than for As; that among various rice organs, rice husk was the highest in Cd transferring capacity, while root was in As transferring capacity; that application of HZB decreased the Cd and As bioaccumulation capacity of rice roots; that the application of, HZB at a rate of 0. 5~0.2 g kg-1 could significantly lower Cd and As contents in various rice organs; and that when 2 g kg-1 of HZB was applied, Cd and As contents in brown rice were both lower than 0.2 mg kg-1, meeting the requirement set in the National Food Standards (GB 2762-2012).

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GU Jiaofeng, ZHOU Hang, YANG Wentao, ZENG Ming, PENG Peiqin, ZHANG Ping, LIAO Baihan. Effect of Combined Soil Amendment Regulating Chemical Forms of Cadmium and Arsenic in Paddy Soil and Their Bioaccumulation and Translocation in Rice[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2016,53(6):1576-1585.

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  • Received:January 26,2016
  • Revised:March 25,2016
  • Adopted:May 05,2016
  • Online: August 30,2016
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