Effects of Free Grazing or Enclosure on Soil Nematodes in Alpine Meadows in North Tibet, China

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Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos. 31260144,31660155)and the Plateau Ecological Project of Collaborative Innovation Center of Research and Development on Tibetan Characteristic Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Resources

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    【Objective】The North Tibet Prairie lies in the inland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and is one of the most important grassland ecosystems in China. Recent years have witnessed an apparent rising trend of the expansion of severely degraded grassland in area. According to relevant data available, in 2013, the area of slightly degraded grassland expanded to cover 62.0% of the total of the prairie. 【Method】During the initial period of this research project, an investigation was carried out of soil nematode communities under different plant communities in the alpine meadow of Nagqu County of North Tibet. It was found that soil nematode communities responded significantly to degradation of grassland. On such a basis, the research went on with colleting soil samples from two tracts of natural grassland in the same area, one enclosed and the other exposed to free grazing for 3 years in a row (2013—2015), for analysis of changes in soil nematode communities along the soil profile (0~25 cm), with soil moisture and temperature taken into account, in an attempt to explore effects of grazing on alpine meadow, and effects of enclosure on degraded alpine meadow. Soil nematodes in the soil samples were collected using the shallow basin method and analyzed for composition, number of individuals, and diversity of the nematode communities, and their relationships with soil temperature and water content. 【Result】Results show that the two tracts of grasslands differed sharply in all the indices of soil nematode community. The nematode community in the enclosed tract were higher than that in the grazing tract in nematodes individual density, diversity index (H'), species richness (SR), and dominance index (λ). The number of nematode individuals varied greatly from year to year in both tracts. Phytophagous nemitodes are the major contributor to the changes in nematode population of the community. The number of bacterivores and nematode channel ratio (NCR) value shows that the grazing tract was higher than the enclosed tract in organic matter conversion efficiency. In the studied area under the same grazing intensity as it has, maintaining or increasing species diversity of the nematode community is conducive to species coexistence and ecosystem stability of the grassland. Maturity index (MI) and plant parasite index (PPI) values demonstrate that the five years of enclosure did not have any obvious positive effect on stability of the ecosystem. 【Conclusion】 Composition, individual density, diversity index and other indexes of soil nematode communities may reflect to a certain extent conditions of the environment they live in. All the findings in this study indicate that in the studied region, the current grazing practices are still within the reasonable extent do not have any pressure forcing the grassland to degrade. So free grazing controlled within a certain intensity may contribute to maintenance of the stability of the grassland ecosystem

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XUE Huiying, LUO Daqing, WANG Hongyuan, QU Xingle. Effects of Free Grazing or Enclosure on Soil Nematodes in Alpine Meadows in North Tibet, China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2017,54(2):480-492.

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  • Received:June 16,2016
  • Revised:December 25,2016
  • Adopted:January 05,2017
  • Online: January 09,2017
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