Pedogenesis and Taxonomy of Anthropogenic-alluvial soil in the Ningxia Yellow River Irrigation Zone

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Supported by the Basic Work of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(No.2014FY110200A07)

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    In order to better understand pedogenesis and taxonomy of the anthropogenic-alluvial soil in the Yellow River Irrigation Zone of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, five typical soil profiles were prepared by pit-digging with the aid of Arcgis software and GPS in the zone for studying.【Method】From the data collected during the soil-series surveys of Ningxia in recent years after 2014 and the data and information acquired through profile observation and analysis of samples collected from the profiles by layer, it was found that the anthropogenic-alluvial soil was formed through mellowing processes triggered by artificial cultivation, redox process caused jointly by irrigation and groundwater, sedimentation of silt in irrigation water, and salinization process, as well, in some areas.【Result】By referring to and identification in line with “the Keys to the Chinese Soil Taxonomy (third Edition)”, it was found that the five typical profiles had the following diagnostic horizons and characteristics, siltigic epipedon, fimic epipedon, cambic horizon, and ustic soil moisture regime, frigid temperature regime, calcaric property, redox features and calcic evidence. In the Chinese Soil Taxonomy, the five typical profiles could be sorted into the soil order of Anthrosols, the suborder of Orthic Anthrosols, the soil groups of Siltigi-Orthic Anthrosols and Fimi-Orthic Anthrosols, and the subgroups of Mottlic Siltigi-Orthic Anthrosols, Siltigi Fimi-Orthic Anthrosols and Typic Siltigi-Orthic Anthrosols. According to the criteria for classification of soil families and soil series in the Chinese Soil Taxonomy, the five soil profiles were sorted divided into five soil families, i.e. loamy mixed type calcareous frigid-Mottlic Siltigi-Orthic Anthrosols, sandy feldspar mixed type calcareous frigid-Siltigi Fimi-Orthic Anthrosols, sandy silica mixed type calcareous frigid-Typic Siltigi-Orthic Anthrosols, Sandy feldspar mixed type calcareous frigid-Mottlic Siltigi-Orthic Anthrosols and Loamy feldspar type calcareous frigid-Mottlic Siltigi-Orthic Anthrosols, in the light of their soil particle size composition and mineral composition, and then further into five soil series, such as Chengguan series, Xigang series, Jinji series and so on.【Conclusion】In addition, the reference studies of the five soil profiles in different soil classification systems show that between the two soil classification systems, the Chinese Soil Genetic Classification and the Chinese Soil Taxonomy, does not exist any simple one to one relationship, the corresponding relationship between the two is significant. In the Chinese Soil Genetic Classification, the five soil profiles all belong to anthropogenic-alluvial soil, while in the Chinese Soil Taxonomy, they are sorted into 2 soil groups, and in the US Soil Taxonomy into the soil order of Inceptisols, the suborder of Ustepts and the soil group of Haplustepts. The comparison shows that the Chinese Genetic Classification and the US Soil Taxonomy are relatively stable in classification, whereas the quantitative Chinese Soil Taxonomy is more differentiable, thus making the classification more complete and detailed.

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QU Xiaolin, LONG Huaiyu, XIE Ping, CAO Xianghui, WANG Jiajia. Pedogenesis and Taxonomy of Anthropogenic-alluvial soil in the Ningxia Yellow River Irrigation Zone[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2017,54(5):1102-1114.

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  • Received:December 31,2016
  • Revised:March 24,2017
  • Adopted:April 05,2017
  • Online: June 26,2017
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