Response of Wheat Yield and Soil Nutrients to Substitution of Organic Nitrogen with Aquatic Plant Residue

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Supported by the National Key R & D Program of China (No. 2016YFD0300207), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province in China (No. BK20170325) and the Foundation of Suzhou Academy of Agricultural Science (No. 8111705)

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    【Objective】In order to make effective use of aquatic plants wildly growing in the Taihu Lake Valley, composting is an important way. This study is to investigate effects of using aquatic plant compost as manure on wheat yield and soil nutrient status with a view to promoting effective utilization of aquatic plant residues. 【Method】A field experiment was carried out for four years successively from 2012 to 2016 in the Taihu Lake region, preparing compost of aquatic plant residues as manure to substitute part of the N fertilizer (mineral urea) applied to a wheat field to explore effects of the substitution on wheat yield, NPK uptake, contents of soil NPK and soil pH. The field experiment was designed to have six treatments, different in substitution rate (0, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%), but the same in N supply. Grain yield of wheat, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake by the plant, contents of soil total nitrogen, soil available phosphorus, soil readily available potassium and soil pH value in the top soil layer were monitored. 【Result】Results show that compared to Treatment M0U100 (application of mineral urea alone), Treatments M20U80 and M40U60 (20% and 40% of mineral urea substituted by the compost, respectively) was 14.0% and 13.5%, respectively, higher in total cumulative wheat grain yield, however, the increment decreased in magnitude with the substitution rate increasing over 40%, and Treatment M60U40 was even significantly lower than Treatment M0U100 in N content in shoot and N uptake. The substitution significantly increased P and K concentrations in the grain. However, with rising substitution rate, crop uptake of P and K exhibited a trend of rising first and then declining. After four years the practice, the contents of soil total nitrogen, soil available phosphorus and potassium, and soil pH in the plough layer were all higher than in the control, showing a trend of the higher substitution rate, the more significant, the increase. 【Conclusion】In summary, to improve the grain yield of wheat meanwhile maintain the soil fertility, Treatment 40%, that is, to apply compost of aquatic plant residue as manure to substitute 40% of the mineral urea to be applied is the optimal option, which can increase yield and phosphorus and potassium utilization efficiency of the crop, and contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil, and also alleviate soil acidification. Therefore, the practice of applying mineral urea and a proper amount of compost of aquatic plant residue as substitute is an economical and environment-friendly fertilization technology in the Taihu Lake region.

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TAO Yueyue, WANG Haihou, JIN Meijuan, SHI Linlin, DONG Linlin, LU Changying, SHEN Mingxing. Response of Wheat Yield and Soil Nutrients to Substitution of Organic Nitrogen with Aquatic Plant Residue[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2019,56(1):156-164.

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  • Received:April 06,2018
  • Revised:September 05,2018
  • Adopted:September 20,2018
  • Online: October 25,2018
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