• Volume 0,Issue 1,1948 Table of Contents
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    • A Study of Plants Growth in Relation to Available Plant Nutrient Contents of Soils

      1948, 0(1):1-8.

      Abstract (2031) HTML (0) PDF 529.97 K (3044) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is well known that the supply of fertilisers and manures to the soils is considered by the farmers to be most important in agricultural practice. The writers were much interested in researching the factors which affect,he plant growth. Among them the available plant nutrients attracted their attention. The work done fell in two parts in convenience. The first. part of work was stressed to the observations of plant growth and soil analyses in order to secure general conception about the correlation between the degree of plant growth and available plant nutrients found in soils. Crops for studying were rice, wheat, rape seed, and corn. Each of them growing in the field in the best condition in comparision with the worst was selected to he observed carefully. All the characteristics of crops, including the color, broadth, and length of leaves, alegree of lodgging of stalk, root systems, and the abnormal sign found, were recorded. The soils surrounding the root systems of crops were collected at surface and surface layers. The items of chemical analyses of soil samples consisted of pH value, humus content, water soluble plant nutrients, which are considered to play an important part in chemical property of soil, in relation to crop growth.

    • A Study on Rainfall,Slope,and Crop in Relation to Erosion of the Purple Brown Soil of Szechuan

      1948, 0(1):9-20.

      Abstract (1766) HTML (0) PDF 3.07 M (3072) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A tank experiment to study the rainfall characteristics, degree of slope and kinds of crops iri relation to erosion of the Szechwan purple brown soil was carried out on the experimental farm of the University of Nanking in Chcngtu during the period from 1941 to 1945 inclusive. The text consists of the results, of four years only, that of the first vear being used for reference. There were four wooden tanks altogether; each tank was 1.8 meters long, 0.35 meters wide, and 0.33 meters in depth. They were made water proof; and aceessory parts for receiving runoff and soil loss were appropriately provided. A kind of the common purple brown clay soil was put in the four tanks which were placed on.brick fbundations having slant tops of 5,10,30 and 30 percent slopes respectively. There was a rain gauge between the two tanks on each side.when there was rain, measurements of rainfall, runoff and soil loss were made at 24-hr. intervals.

    • Preliminary Study on Bentonite

      1948, 0(1):21-28.

      Abstract (1510) HTML (0) PDF 591.80 K (2900) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effect of salts of chloride to flocculate the bentonite suspension was that Al>Fe>Mg>Ca>K>Na. The effect of concentration of solution to flocculate the bentonite suspension was that the higher concentration of solution made more flocculation.


      1948, 0(1):29-32.

      Abstract (1670) HTML (0) PDF 312.69 K (2901) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The nitrate content of a soil has been determir.ed befcre and after plowing under of a legume crcp and also during tre growth of the succeeding wheat crop, Nitrate content of the soil as considerably higher in the green manured plot, but wheat yield is not increased by green manuring.Fcur hypotheses on the failure of green manure to increase wheat yield are examined and discussed.

    • Studies on the Utilization of Human Urine as Fertilizer in Peiping 1. Effect of Direct Application of Urine on Crop Yield and on Salt Content of the Soil

      1948, 0(1):33-38.

      Abstract (2364) HTML (0) PDF 669.62 K (2857) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Field ekperimenls of corn, millet, spinach, and fennel were made to test the fertilizing value of urine in. Peiping soil. On equal nitrogen content basis, urine has nearly the same fertilizing value as ammonium sulfate and they are much superior than feces calves, The amount bf salt in urine applied to the soil was very small. photographs: 1,No munura 2,Feces cakes 3,Hmam urine 4,Amnonium sulfate.

    • Nacl Content of River Water at Chungliangchen.

      1948, 0(1):39-42.

      Abstract (1713) HTML (0) PDF 2.23 M (2681) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Nacl content of river water at Chungliangchen varies with the flow and ebb of tide,being generally higher at low tide. This is attributed to the effect of drainage water which flows into the river at low Tide.The seasonal fluctuation of Nacl content of river is studied.Nacl content at high tide is highest between the second half of June and the first half of July.During this,period,the Nacl content ar high tide may exceed that at low tide in some years.The significance of this as regards irrigation and effect on crop is a discussed.

    • The Formation of Iron Crust in the Soil Profiles of Fukien, China

      1948, 0(1):43-49.

      Abstract (1833) HTML (0) PDF 619.69 K (3885) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Only a few of the soil profiles, formed under irepical, subtropical, or cold temperate conditions are characterized by the formation of iron layer. In the former cases, soils formed under tropical and subtropical conditions, the iron layer situates on top of the profile and is called as iron crust. In the later case, sails formed under cold temperate conditions, the iron layer lies in the middle of the profile which is naturally a well developrd podsol,and is called as iron pan. But, all of these are unlike those of Fukien Soils.

    • Discussion on Laterization in Kiangsi

      1948, 0(1):51-56.

      Abstract (1824) HTML (0) PDF 586.60 K (3602) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Laterite and lateritic soils are very universal in Kiangsi and occupy an immense area. According to the scheme of climatical soil classification, the whole province is considered as red earth region. In other words laterite and lateritic soil of Kiangsi, covering such a large area, were not only named as regional soils but climatical soils as well. And even some podologists considered that the laterization process in the southern part is comparatively more intensive than that in the north, for this is the micro-climatical variations within the province.

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