Shung-chin Chen , Sheng-hui Chiao
1950, 0(2):95-102.
Abstract:Stored urine can be considered as a dilute solution of ammonimn carbonate with some organic and inorganie imnnrities.Nearly all its nitrogen aan be conserved by a close-fitting cover, or still better by a layer of lubricating oil. In so far as consesvation of nitrogen is concerned, mixing urine with air dry soil is ranch better than with organic matter. Treatment with oalcinm chloride is also more effective than that with gypsum.It is found that potassinrrrion exerts a very unfavorahle influence on the absorption of ammonium ion by soil colloid, whereas the effect of sodium ion is much leas. The fact that straw and wood ashes can not be mixed with mine earth,or soil compost rich in ammonia js not only due to the alkalinity of the ashes, but also due to the interforence of potasaimn ion on the absorption of ammonia by soil colloids.
1950, 0(2):107-121.
Abstract:In the winter of 1945, while delayed in India waiting for the passage to the United States, the author investigated the soil geography of three different regions in that country.For two weeks from late November to early Decomber,he undertook his investigation in Darjeeling Area, Southeastern Himslaya, There has been little published information available on the soils of this area. The present paper briefly describes some of the soils observed and of the vegetation, chiefly dealing with the Ptoridophyte, which are grown on those soils.
1950, 0(2):123-129.
Abstract:The fixation of phushates by soils is one of the interesting problems of major importance in the realm of colloidal chenistry of soils. It was formerly believed that the fixation of phosphate in soils is a simple chemical reaction (chemical theory).The phos-phatea may be roasted with hydrated sesquioxides or with caleium carbonate in soils.Ghani(6) was able to show that the power of phosphate fixation of aeid soils could be considerably reduced by deactivating iron and alnminun oxides in the soil with 8-hydrosyl qninoline.