1956, 4(1):1-17.
Abstract:В конце 1954 г.членом-корреспондентом Академии Наук СССР проф.
1956, 4(1):19-42.
Abstract:Основоположники научного почвоведения-В.В.Докучаев,П.А.Костычев и В.Р.Вильямс глубоко связывали жизнь почвенного слоя с деятельностью микроскопических существ,населяющнх почву.
1956, 4(1):43-49.
Abstract:Настоящие оныты проведены на красноаемах дентральной части пров.
1956, 4(1):51-57.
Abstract:The old calcination-mathod for disintegrating limestone is still useed prevailingly for rural service in this country.Field practice reveals that soils receiving quicklime,prepared from calcination of limestone with certain kind of coal,give a better yield of rice than those taking quicklime preloLred from calcination with wood-fuels.Extensive analytical results show that owing to the high content of sulphur in such kind of coal,the resulting product of calcined liming material contains 1.8-27% of CaSO4.The beneficial effect of gypsum to rice cultivation is confirmed in field trial with following treatments:(i) control;(ⅱ) quicklime;(ⅲ) quicklime+gypsum;(ⅳ) calcined liming material prepared from sulphur-coutaining coal.Results show a 9-19% increase of grain yield in plots having experienced treatments (ⅲ) or (ⅳ) in comparison with that in the plot having undergone treatment (ⅱ).The date of rice ripening is about 3-5 days earlier in plots treated by the last two ways than in other plots.
1956, 4(1):59-75.
Abstract:Among the factors which may lead to inaccuracy of results in the use of some indicator mixtures for the direct determination of soil reaction,the following were studied in the present work:(1) Unequal adsorption of indicators by soils;(2) High proportion of alcohol to water in the indicator mixture;(3) Change of solubility of some of indicators as affected by the acidbase status of the soil and/or by clanging the concontration of alcohol whilo admixing the indicator mixture into the soil suspension;(4) High concentration of indicators themselves;and(5) Other factors such as the effect of high salt concentration,etc.The adsorption of indicator by soil varied with the nature of the indicator as well as that of the soil.Among the indicators studied,methyl red,brom-cresol green,brom-phenol blue and methyl orange wore markedly adsorbed by Red Earths and Brown Forest.Soils.The degree of adsorption by Red Earth followed the order:methyl red>brom-cresol green>brom-phenol blue>methyl orange.Littlo adsorption,however,was noticed in the case of methyl red by Yellow Earth and of brom-cresol green by Chernorem and recent alluvial deposit.
1956, 4(1):77-93.
Abstract:Для выяснения влпяния способов внесения гранулпрованных фосфорных улобреннй на пх пспольаованпе в кислых почвах,проведены вегетационые опыты с двумя кислыми почвами.