1957, 5(1):1-17.
Abstract:Географическое распределение почв является пространственным выражением почвообразовательных процессов.
1957, 5(1):19-48.
Abstract:From the ecological viewpoint, the phytogeographical regions of China may be divided into three groups:(a) the forest regions in the east, (b) the steppe and desert regions in the northwest and northeast, and (c) the regions of high mountains and plateaus in the west and southwest. All these vegetation regions are closely related to the various main soil types.Of the forest group, the regions are, beginning at the north, (1) the coniferous forest-podzolic soils:(2) the mixed coniferous and deciduous broad-leaved forest-podzollic soils and brown forest soils;(3) the deciduous broad-leaved forest-brown forest soils and korichnevie soils;(4) the mixed deciduous and ervergreen broad-leaved forest-yellow podzolic soils and yellow-koriohnevifr soils;(5) the evergreen broad-leaved forest-yellow podzolic and red podzolic soils:and (6) the tropical monsoon rain-forest-yel low-lateritic soils.In the northwest apd northeast, we distinguish, beginning from the east,the following regions:(7) the forest steppesi-chernozem and ziero-korichnevie soils;(8) the steppe-chestnut soils;and (9) the semi-desert and desert-zierozem and desert sails. Solonchaks being widely present in the above-mentioned three regions are associated with halophytic vegetation.
1957, 5(1):50-60.
Abstract:Засоленные почвы в Китай могут быть подразделены на 4 большие района.
1957, 5(1):61-76.
Abstract:1. This work was started in 1953, when soil survey and analysis for chemical and physical properties of the soils were made. Since 1955 a series of well organized experiments for the reclamation of the soils has been conducted and is still in progress.2. This irrigated region is situated in the north-western part of Chilin Province. It is a low river terrace, where solonchak of different degrees of alkalization occupies a large area,the aurface aoil of the low plain consisting of high content of exchangeable sodium dominated by the bicarbonate of soda. It is therefore, called the meadow bicarbonate solonchak and is subdivided in accordance with the amount of total soluble salts together with their related characteristics into strong,medium and light solonetzic meadow solonchak.
1957, 5(1):78-95.
Abstract:Мы разделяем краспоземы Китая на три группы.
1957, 5(1):97-109.
Abstract:1. Доказано,что значения корреляции между показателями Ен и рН изменяются в зависимости от почвенных типов и экспериментальных условий.
1957, 5(1):111-116.
Abstract:1. Исследовательная работа по этому вопросу сейчас все-же продолжается.