S. T. HWANG , C. H. TAI , P. P. CHEN , P. S. LU
Abstract:Lushan is a famous mountain in the Middle Yangtze Valley of Central China.The climate of the foot hills of Lushan and its vicinity is humid and warm,while that of the upper part of the mountain is humid and temperate.At the foot of the mountain there arp the red loam and the yellow earth,while on the upper part of it there are the mountain yellow earth,mountain brown earth,mountain meadow soil,mountain humic gley soil and the dark mountain forest soil.Altogether 9 soil profiles representing all the main soil types have been studies.The particle size determinations show no downward translocation of the clay fractions in the profiles except for those of the yellow earth.The organic matter contents of the red loam,yellow earth and mountain yellow earth are low and their C/N ratios very narrow.The organic matter contents of the other mountain sails are pretty high and the C/N ratios of them are comparatively wider.There is not much difference of pH valves among all the soil types,all of them being acid in nature.
Abstract:1.Климат гор Уцы-шана обладает тропической характерностью.
Abstract:Mishan and Hoolin are located in the east part of Heilungkiang province.This area is an alluvial plain of the Molin river.The climate of this area belongs to cool-temperate region.According to the observations made on the succession of plant society in this region,we have many evidences to point out the fact that the wet lands are gradually becoming dry.The soils of this region may be representatives of the soil types of the forest moorland region of north-eastern region of china.The soils of this region may be devided into four groups,namely:sod-podzolic soil,gley sodpodzolic soil,gley meadow soil and peat-gley soil.
Abstract:Опыты,проведенные в рисовых почвах в периоде роста риса доказанны,что окислительно-восстановительные потенциалы при-корневых областей выше,чем вне корней,причем чем гуще корней,тем выше потенциалов.
Abstract:The mode of genesis of plate-like structure of soils under different conditions may be different.Broad field observation reveals that soils favoring plate-like structure formation generally have an easy access to an abundant but intermittant supply of water,low content of raw or ganic matter as well as of humus,indefiniteness but not being too sandy in texture,and weakness in structural stability.The present paper reports the evidences gathered from the field observation and laboratory experiments showing that plate-like structure can be developed through the effect of alternate wetting and drying processes.Laboratory experiments have shown that the degree of perfection of the development of plate-like structure as evidenced both from the horizontal natural crackings and from the volume of swelling of the soil body increases with increase in the number of cycles of alternate wetting and drying.(PlateⅠ) In order to assure the efFectiveness of the processes,both drying and wetting should be carried out as thorough as possible.