1958, 6(2):99-107.
1.In the paddy soils derived from red earth, the amount of iron and manganese were the highest in illuvial horizon, but much lower in glei horizon. The degree of differentiation of iron and manganese in horizons increased with the degree of soil development. It was found that the tendency of differentiation of manganese was more distinct as compared with that of iron.2. The amount of manganese, which can be reduced by hydroquinone makes the major part of the total manganese content, in some cases, it reached up to 70/0 of the total manganese content, but the amount of iron, which can be reduced by hydroquinone, never exceed 0.5% of the total iron content;the amount of manganese, which could form complex with EDTA was also larger than that of iron. 3. Dry-wet interchanging treatment of soil decrease the amount of acid-soluble and easily reduciable iron and manganese in it greatly. This indicates that dehydration can reduce the a ctivity of it on and manganese. 4. On the basis of the experimental results, it is suggested by authors that manganese is more sensitive to the change of redox condition, and iron is more sensitive to the change of acid-basic condition. All those have certain signifi-carte in the movement and differentiation of iron and manganese in the profile of paddy soil. The degree of movement of iron and manganese could, in certain case, be used as an index of the development of paddy soil.