1959, 7(Z2):115-123.
Abstract:История почвоведения неотделима от развития с.х.производства.
1959, 7(Z2):124-134.
Abstract:Данкая работа посвещена исследованию по влиянию временного просыханияпочв на повышение урожайности на пяти разных типах рисовых почв восточных Китая.
1959, 7(Z2):135-144.
Abstract:Черноземы из 《Стрелецкой степи》СССР,Темно-луговые и Бзйцзянские почвы из Северо-восточной части КНР были исследованы по общему содержанию гумуса.
1959, 7(Z2):145-158.
Abstract:For the purpose of utilizing electrical conductivity of paddy soils as an index of soil fertility, both field measurements and laboratory studies were undertaken. A specially prepared conductivity cell with fixed distance between the platinum electrodes was used in field measurements.It was found that for acid and neutral paddy soils of Central China, the electrical conductivity of the plowed layer showed a close correlation with the fertility status of the soil in the majority of cases, especially in the early period of plant growth. The specifics conductivity of the soil decreased and the difference in conductivity between soils became less conspicuous gradually with plant growth, presumably due to the adsorption of nutrient ions by the rice roots. Another evidence supports this supposition, in which the electrical conductivity of the rhizosphere appeared to be less than that of the bulk of the soil.
Лю Ци-сун , Лю Фэн-цюн , Чэнъ Энъ-фун , Ли Фэн-цженъ , Чжан Ли-санъ , Лю Цзюнъ-ю , Чжоу Хуй-минъ , Ли Цзя-цзао
1959, 7(Z2):159-179.
Abstract:Во время большого скачка в сельском хозяйстве в 1958 году пепрерывно но-явились чудеса в создании наиболее высоких урожаев.
1959, 7(Z2):180-189.
Abstract:For the purpose of comparing the relative effect of various farm manures, field experiments were carried out for four years at Nanking on a paddy soil; containing organic matter 1.5%, dcrived from yellowish brown earth.
1959, 7(Z2):190-202.
Abstract:It is usual practice of the farmers of southern China that, contrary to the compost, organic manures are decomposed under anaerobic condition with the mixture of muds, Various proportions of straws, muds, green manures and mineral fertilizers are compared in such a preparation and the effect of response to crops studied. Present article also find out that methane occupies about 70-80% of the total evolved gases, The pH value through out the whole decomposition process remains slightly acid. The mudportion shows great absorbing property and gives good nutritive value in sand culture experiment.
Цао Чжэн-бон , Хао Вэнъ-ин , Ю Чан-фэнъ , Гу Си-сянъ
1959, 7(Z2):218-226.
Abstract:Проведенная работа в основных типах рисовых почв,расположенных в областях восточного и центрального китая.