1961, 9(Z1):1-8.
Abstract:1.The relative number of microorganisms and microfloxa in paddy soils is quite different from that in cultivated upland soils and idle field.Among the sporogenous bacteria,Bac.idosus and Bac.megatherium are the predominant species,while Bac.subtilis-mesentericus is comparably less.2.Penicillium、Aspergillus and other genera of fungi are usually present in paddy soils,and Tuberculina,Emericeldopsis and Sporormia(?) are the special genera also frequently occured.Perhaps these fungi have a better adapt ability to live under a less aerobic condition.3.The composition of soil microflora varies according to soil fertility.Fertile soils have a relatively high percentage of Penicidlium-Asymmetrica,and the rate of ammonification and cellulose decomposition are much intense than the Monoverticillata serves.
1961, 9(Z1):9-21.
Abstract:1.Изучение почвнных микроагрегатов(распространеие,форма,стбильность)и содержания гумуса в них показываег,что тел больше содежание гумуса.
1961, 9(Z1):22-36.
Abstract:Some important soil types derived from various parent materials in red earth region of China have been studied for the content and status of potassium by.chemical and mineralogical methods. The soils are grouped into three classes according to their level of aotassium nutrients.
1961, 9(Z1):37-41.
Abstract:Исследования,проводившеся на краснозёме в условиях ветеационых опытов с рисом,показали,что внесение супефосфата в смесн с органическими тдобрениями в лунки является его наиболее эффектиъным спосбом.
C. L. PENC , Y. S. LEE , H. M. CHU
1961, 9(Z1):42-55.
Abstract:As resulted from long-time cultivation and fertilization,a high fertile soil has been developed from loessial materials on high terrace of Wei-ho basin,Shensi.The soil possesses a dark,friable and porous upper horizon up to 50 cm.in thickness.
1961, 9(Z1):56-64.
Abstract:Experimental results revealed that there were always nitrificating activities in flooded rice-field soils,whether the soils were under rice crops to summer or were kept barren in winter.Quantities of nitrifing organisms found in flooded rice-field soils were much higher than those in dry-land crop soils,the difference being between 23-377 times,according to the data.In the rice-field soils, nitrifying organisms were active not only in the more oxidative "oxidation horizon",but also in the more redutive "reduction horizon",The results contrary to the "classical" notion that the nitrifying organisms could not live actively in the flooded rice-field soils.
1961, 9(Z1):65-71.
Abstract:Present paper deal.with the results of lysimeter studies on soil conditions under varying rates of water percolation.Effect of soil permeability,as governed by rate of percolation,on redox potential of soils,composition and properties of drained water in relation to rice growth has been investigated. Obtained results reveals following facts.
1961, 9(Z1):72-80.
Abstract:A type of high fertile paddy soil is developed under the culrivation of double-crop rice the alluvial deposit of delta region Chu-Kiang.As resulted from high fertilization by manures and mudds and also from the long-time submerged condition, about 8 months in one year, these soils contain small granulars(0.005-1 mm. according to Kachinski method) around 20% and organic matter 2.5-3.5%,with average C/N ratio 11.6.