1963, 11(1):1-9.
Abstract:Процесс почвообразования на вершине горы Тайбайщанъ в основном можно подразделитъ на следующие три стадии.
C. F. HSI , T. Y. TAN , T. S. Hu , B. L. FANG , S. S. HSU
1963, 11(1):10-18.
Abstract:Production brigade is the fundamental working unit of people's commune. Various detailed maps appropriate to the agricultural design and management of the brigade are urgently needed. This paper illustrates an attempt to construct a series of maps in Chingtang-fang Production Brigade, Sipali People's Commune, Hwailai, Hopeh Province. The said brigade situates on the alluvial plain in semi-arid region.
P. Y. CHENG , L. Y. WANG , C. L. MA , S. LOU
1963, 11(1):19-24.
Abstract:Large areas of saline soils, mainly belonging to the soda saline meadow type, are distributed in scattered spots in Sung-nun plain of Northeastern China. The soluble salts,predominantly sodium bicarbonate, are accumulated at the surface 20 to 40 cm. of the soil profile. A lime accumulation layer has been found at the depth of 40-100 cm.
K. S. LIU , W. C. CHEW , T. K. Wu , C. K. LEE
1963, 11(1):25-35.
Abstract:Field and pot experiments were conducted on five agricultural soils from Kiangsu province of various productivity with pH values ranging from 4.5 to 7.8. Fractions of soil phosphate and rate of mineralization of soil nitrogen through incubation were measured. The soils showed a wide range of nutritive levels of phosphorus and nitrogen to these soils, various rate of ammonium sulphate and manures were applied at the foundation of superphosphate and the yields of wheat, millet, rice, soybean and pea analysed.
1963, 11(1):36-52.
Abstract:Mineralogical composition of the clay fraction (less than 1μ) separated from forty selected soil samples, representing six important soil types in Hainan island, was investigated by differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, cation exchange capacity deterurination, chemical analysis and the measurement of ethylene glycol retention.
1963, 11(1):53-62.
Abstract:Physical properties of three types of paddy soil collected from south Kiangsu prowince were studied. The shearing strength of paddy soils increases with the decrease of moisture content, especially below the lower plastic limit. Maximum compressibility appears at the high moisture content and it falls sharply near the middle part of plasticity range. As compared with the soils of heavy texture, the light paddy soils have a higher compressibility and lowering soil water content to a greater extent is necessary to reduce their compression. The soil moisture causes shrinkage, especially for soils of heavy texture. Shrinkage makes the paddy soils more compact than mechanical pressure. It is suggested therefore that the optimum soil moisture for the fall cultivation ranges from lower plastic limit to the medium plasticity and for the spring cultivation the optimum moisture content may be higher than in the fall.
1963, 11(1):63-69.
Abstract:This paper gives a detailed morphological and physiological description of Axotobatter fuzouensis n. sp. isolated from the soil of fuzhou (Foochow) in comparison with other members of the genus.The new species is a mesophilic foxm. It is active within the temperature 20-45℃,and shows greatest activity at 30-35℃.
1963, 11(1):70-83.
Abstract:Данные анализа по составу шлаков локазывают,что шлаки сталеврения и доменных печей относятся к сложным удобрениям,содержащим болъшое количество Са,Si и многие другие питателъные элементы.
1963, 11(1):84-91.
Abstract:The present paper deals with the experimental studies on the condensation of water vapor in relation with climatic conditions in the sand-dunes of desert areas of central Kansu. Field experiments were carried out in the summer of 1961. Increase of condensed water can be effectively accomplished by the proper regulation of particle size and porosity of the sand-dunes, and also by a dark colored covering.
1963, 11(1):92-98.
Abstract:The calcified paddy soil induced by long time overliming is a poor agricultural soil in Southern China. Contrary to the usual soil types in this area which use to have a narrow Ca/Mg ratio in their carbonate salts, the calcified paddy soil contains mainly calcium carbonate in its accumulated salts. The accumulation of calcium carbonate increases with the decrease of depth in soil profile.