1963, 11(3):231-243.
Abstract:В статье прежде всего излагали состояние по изучению классификации почв Китая в последние годы и указывали на полученные успехи и неразрешенные вопросы в зтом отношении.
C. F. HSI , T. Y. TAN , T. S. HU
1963, 11(3):244-260.
Abstract:Present paper deals with soil genesis and characteristics involving basic categories of scil classification. Scientific papers concerning the principle and practice on the classification of soil groups and sub-groups are manifold. However the sub-division of the basic soil categories on soil classification is still quiet different. Soil types and soil varieties are subdivided under soil groups in USSR. Soil series are recognized according to morphological features in USA. Varietaten and sub-varietaten are divided mostly on fabric characteristics in German. In pre-revolution days in China the basic units of soil classification were also divided into soil series. At present, soil types and soil varieties were used under the great soil groups. However, there is still not a suitable method for sub-division of basic categories.In detailed soil survey of the people's commune of the semi-arid plain, attemptions have been made to devide basic soil units according to genetical soil properties. The variation of soil texture in the surface horizon and the characteristics of textural profile as affected by silting of the river or irrigation are considered as one of salient characteristics in the division of basic units. The content of soil organic matter, local drainage condition governed by the micro-relief and the arrangement of textural profiles are also considered in the division of soil types. Salinity of the soil is used for the division of soil type groups, an intermediate categories between soil types and great soil groups.
Тан Сун-лю , Цзян Мы-ин , Юй Со-фу , Гу Синъ-юнъ , Сюй Цзи-цюанъ
1963, 11(3):261-274.
Abstract:На четырёх почвенных профилях,развитых н разных материнских породах,были произведены химические анализы,опредление ёмкости обмена катионов,дифференциально-термические и рентгено-диффракдионные анализы.
1963, 11(3):275-285.
Abstract:В полевых опытах рассмотрено влияние временного сброса воды на свойства рисовых почв с точки зрения агротехнических приемов с целью получения высоких урожаев риса.
1963, 11(3):286-293.
Abstract:1. A simplified method to determine the oxidation stability of humus is proposed,in which the total organic carbon is oxidized by digestion with 0.4 N K2Cr2O7-1:1 H2SO4 mixture, while readily oxidizable organic carbon is oxidized by more dilute 0.2 N K2Cr2O7-1:3 H2SO4 mixture. Both are boiled for 5 minutes in oil bath with a temperature about 170-180℃ and 130-140℃ respectively.
Се Цзянъ-чанъ , Чэнъ Цзи-син , Чжу Юе-чжэнъ , Хуан Шунъ-чжун , Ма Моу-тун , Ши Чжан-юанъ
1963, 11(3):294-305.
Abstract:Содержание магния в некоторых почвах в районах Центрального и Южного Китая обусловлено стадиями выветривания и степенью окультуривания почв.
1963, 11(3):306-311.
Abstract:1. Разработали метод опрделения козффициента падения почвенных масс,взятых из рисовых полей.
1963, 11(3):312-315.
Abstract:Three native clays were investigated as emulsifiers for kerosene in water system.The stability of emulsions obtained is considerably effected by the pH value of clay suspension. For every clay studied there is a specific pH value beyond which the emulsions obtained are unstable. For Nanking yellow drab soil the specific value is 5.3,Chuwen red soil 7.0, and Chu-san-den clay 5.0.
Пэ Дэ-анъ , Лю Сюнъ , Гу Го-цай , Чжан Чжэнъ-ю
1963, 11(3):316-317.
Abstract:В работе кратко характеризовали изменения почвенных профилей,химических,Физических и биохимических свойств почв в процессе окультуривания красноземов в провинции Цзянси.
1963, 11(3):318-324.
Abstract:Introduce a given quantity of standard sodium tetraphenylboron solution to the prepared sample solution to precipitate potassium, and the excess reagent is then titrated by a standard solution of ammonium chloride using Nessler's reagent as an outside indicator.Carbonate ions interfere. But this interference can be eliminated by acidifying the sample solution previously. Ferric and manganous,ions form colored precipitates with the Nessler's reagent. Theyshould be precipitated in slightly alkaline solution after oxidation.The modified procedure of tetraphenylboron is suggested for the determination of total potassium of soils following Na2CO3 decomposition.