1965, 13(3):253-261.
Abstract:Распространение почв области Юнънань-Гуйчжоу соответствует обычным географическим закономерностям.
1965, 13(3):262-273.
Abstract:Районирование проведено по запросу лесохозяйственной практики.
1965, 13(3):275-282.
Abstract:The present paper gives the composition of carbohydrates in some soil groups and its distributions in different organic fractions and in soil profile.Soil samples used inelude alpine steppe soil,brown podzolic soil,prarie soil,dark chestnut soil,salinized steppe soil,black loam soil,laterite and paddy soil.It was found that all the surface soils examined under natural vegetation,irrespective of their divergent vegetative and climatic conditions,resembled each other in the pattern of component sugars.In general,the relative concentration of glucose was slightly higher than that of other sugars,the other sugars decreased in the following order:galactose,xylose-arabinose,rhamnose.The relative concentration of mannose though varied in different soil types,was usually higher rhan that of xylose and lower than that of glucose.
1965, 13(3):283-292.
Abstract:Рыхлостъ желто-бурых почв характеризуется:мелкой сопротивляемостью давлению,слабыми усадкой и трещением в сухом состоянии,сильным и быстрым впитыванием воды,болыщой водопроницаемостъю,силъным но медленным поглощением фосфора и аммония,лучщей способностью сохранения воды и удобрения.
1965, 13(3):293-299.
Abstract:Почвенная подпертая гравитационная влияет на почвообразование и развитие некоторых почв и играет болышую ролъ в изменении плодородия почвы.
1965, 13(3):300-311.
Abstract:Three problems concerning the methods of determination of total phosphorus in soil were discussed in this paper.1.Volumetric method:The comparison of several techniques of volumetric determination of total phosphorus in soil had been made.
1965, 13(3):312-324.
Abstract:A laboratory investigation was conducted for capillary water rise in,and evaporation from two and three layered soil columns in the presence of a water table.It was shown from experimental results that the evaporation rate from the two layered system of clayey soil overlying a sandy soil was a maxium,as the layered soil interface was situated near the top of capillary fringe of the lower soil;but that the rate from the three layered system of a thin clayey layer laid between two sandy soil layers was a minimum,as the thin clayey layer was situated at a elevation,approximately equal to the height of capillary fringe of the lower sandy soil layer;and that the effect of the lower sandy soil,the thickness of which is not beyond its capillary fringe zone,of the two layered system on the evaporation rate was relatively small,provided the depth of soil column to the water table was less than the height of capillary fringe of the upper clayey soil.Evidently,all of these phenomena observed must be considered for adequately determining the depth of ground water table to avoid soil salinity.