Бригада районирования по ликвидации стихийных бедствий и повышению урожайности уезда Фынцю
1966, 14(1):1-12.
Abstract:Лри комплексной зкспедиции в уезде Фындю были изучены естевенные условия (климат,геоморФологзя,почвы,гидрогеолгия,и др.),образование и распределение раЗличныхстихийных бедствий (засуха,затопление,засоление,пески и др.) и влияние их на сельскохоэяйственное производство.
1966, 14(1):13-21.
Abstract:Experiments on the plantation of tropical green manuring plants and pastures on three red soils of western Kwangtung Province during 1963-1964 give the following remarks:Tephrosia candida and Crotarlaria anagyroides could be planted in poor soils under a rather dry soil condition.Tithonia diversifolia gave high yield within a short growing period but successwe plantation of this plant was confined only to the fertile soils.Tephrosia vestita has been found very resistant against dry and infertile soil condition.It was the only plant which should grow on acid sandy soil of the hill land.Under good soil moisture condition Sesbania cannabina could stand on infertile soils with rapid growth.Pueraria phaseoloides and Calapogonium mucunoides showed wide adoptability in this region.They served as good cover plants under bad soil conditions.Pueraria phaseoloides,Centrosema pubescens,Desmodium ovalifolium,Mimosa invisavar inermis and Oldenlandia auriculavia grew better under a shady condition than any other plants introduced in the experiments.
1966, 14(1):22-30.
Abstract:The present article reports the correlation of the physical and chemical properties of natural rock to the availability of phosphorus to plant in powdered phosphate rock.Resuits revealed that the availability of phosphorus in rock powder is much more depended on the compactness and regularity of the crytal lattice,while the graininess and the status of fissure of the rock are of secondary importance.The writers found that there are a serves of changes in the rock bed induced by the substitute of PO4- by CO3- in the phosphate deposit.The increasement of CO3- in fluo-appatite increases the availability of phosphorus in natural rock.A system for the classification of rock phosphate has been suggested according its phosphorus availability.
1966, 14(1):31-39.
Abstract:Лосев пшеницы в бороздах засоленных почвах является опытом народных масс.
1966, 14(1):40-45.
Abstract:The experiments were made on the rotation of Sesbania cannabina Pers with wheat or barley in two mou of wastefully saline and alkaline soils in Fengchin of Honan in 1964 and 1965.Results from the experiments show that the saline and alkaline soils treated with the plantation and afterward turndown of Sesbania cannabina Pers have been ameliorated and the soil fertility and the yield of wheat and barley have much more been increased in comparison with those of the same soils for check.
1966, 14(1):46-50.
Abstract:A well rotted compost can be prepared by mixing 4,500 kg of air-dried corn stalks,2,500 kg of old compost,90 kg of ammonium nitrate and 45 kg of superphosphate.Changes of temperature through microbiological activities were described and the tomposition of the compost was given in the Chinese text.
1966, 14(1):51-58.
Abstract:The present paper deals with further classifying the soil basic types of red earth developed from the red clay materials of Quaternary era in Kinhwa basin,Chechiang Province.In this region the red earth lies on the gentlely rolling to undulating topography about 8 to 50 meters above the main river course.Most of the soils are covered under shrubs and grasses.Owing to the variation of soil properties,the capability of utilization of these soils is quite different.Some of them become more fertile and give good harvests after cultivation;but some of them lose their fertility due to severe erosion after successive plantation.Twelve basic types of red earth are classified on the basisof the following variations:1.Variation in parent materials.
1966, 14(1):59-64.
Abstract:1.Total reductive substances and active ferrous compounds were determined in soil:1) of green-manured and not green-manured control,both under rice crop;2) under rice crop and uncroped control,both after green-manuring.2.Total soil reductive substances determined within 15 days after green-manuring were significantly higher than not green-manured control.The deferences decreased with time and were caused chiefly by the active reductive substances mainly in organic form.3.Within 54 days after green-manuring,the ferrous content of soil varied within 2.6-3.5 milli-equivalent per 100 g.During the earlier stages of rice culture the ferrousoon increased progressively with the progress of the decomposition of green-manure.4.Before tillering,the total reductive substances in the top 0-5 cm soil layer were higher than in underlying 5-15 cm layer;after the tillering stage,the relation was reversed.5.The experiment results point out that the excessive accumulation of active reductive substances might be the cause of seedling-rot and death of seedling when seedlings are transplanted within a few days after green-manuring.
1966, 14(1):65-72.
Abstract:В настоящей статье изучено влияние структурности краснозёмов на их водно-физические свойства в холмистых районах провинции Цзянси.
1966, 14(1):73-79.
Abstract:A comparative study of the chemico-mineralogical properties of three profiles of chestnut earth of Inner Mongolia developed from granite,basalt and loess were made by chemical analysis,thermal differentiation and X-ray diffraction.The composition of the primary minerals of the three soils differs markedly,but that of the secondary minerals remains much alike.They are composed essentially of montmorillonite,although illite is also present.The influence of parent materials shows more prominently in the accessory secondary minerals,especially in the deeper soil horizons.It is suggested that under the steppe condition,montmorillonite might be eaher transformed into illite through repotassication,or weathered into kaolinite.