1966, 14(2):159-168.
Abstract:В полевых, вегетационных и лабораторых зсследованиях было установлено.
1966, 14(2):169-179.
Abstract:Crotalaria juncea Являесся одним из лучших сидерасов с болъшой приспосбляемостъю. Оно хорошо выращвается в среде pH 4.5-9 и в средней месячной температуре около 15℃.
1966, 14(2):180-188.
Abstract:Урожайностн свежих и сухих веществ сидератов, полученных в разиых временах укоса, силъно отличаются между собой.
The Xinhua Demonstration Field of Nanking Agricultural College
1966, 14(2):189-195.
Abstract:In order to change the all year round water-logged single rice crop planting system to the rice and winter upland crop rotation system for the rice paddy soils in the Lishaho region of northern Kiangsu, it is necessary to make open ditches for good drainage, to use phosphatic fertilizers or straw ash for the first winter crop, and better to grow a winter green manure crop in the first autumn. Different green manure crops responded to the inoculation of nodule bacteria differently. Inoculation increased the yield of astragalus 2-10 folds, but it did not increase the yield of alfalfa (a kind of annual legume with yellow flower) and vetch. Inoculation seemed to be an indispensible treatment in the extension of Astragalus to a new area in this region. Most of the rice crops in the Lishaho region are harvested from the middle of August to early September. Green manure crops should be sown in the middle of September. In order to save labour and to get a good stand of green manure crops, seeding in hills instead of broadcasting the seeds is to be used in the unplowed fields of rice stubbles.
Фан Жунь-вэй , Чжу Цжи-чин , Яо Сянь-лян
1966, 14(2):196-205.
Abstract:Настояшая статъя посвящена вопрсам о порозности красножёммых и краснозё-мовидных рисовых почв, а также и связи её с некоторыми физическими, водно-физическими свойствами почв(водопрницаемостъ, аэрация и влагоёмкосты) в холмистом районе провинции Цзянси.
1966, 14(2):206-213.
Abstract:Гуанси находится в переходном районе субтропиков к тропикам.
1966, 14(2):214-220.
Abstract:Район Манаса, относящийся к пустынной зоне, характеризуется замкнутым релъефом, сухим климатом, силъным испарением и слааым вымыванием, ппичем материнские породыи грунтовые воды содержат значителъные количества солей.
1966, 14(2):221-225.
Abstract:1. Activities of proteinase, urease, sucrase and dehydrogenase in red soils increased with the improvement in soil fertility. There was a positive correlation between the enzyme activity and the respiratory capacity. The study of the microbiological characteristics of red soils showed clearly that the abundance of soil microorganisms, respiratory capacity and enzyme activities are correlated with the improvement in soil fertility, and as a consequence such a correlation may be used as an index of soil fertility. 2. The activities of proteinase, urease and sucrase decreased with the increase of soil depth in fertile soils, but such a tendency was not so clear with dchydrogenase and peroxidase activities as with the above mentioned enrymes.