1986, 23(2):97-105.
Abstract:A cinnamon soil and a lime concretion black soil from Huang-Hai-Hai Plain of China and a Palouse silty loan from eastern part of Washington state of U.S.A. were mixed with wheat streiw (15N labelled and unlabelled) and nitrogen fertilizer (15N labelled and unlabelled) in different. rotes and incubuted under 20℃ and 30℃ for 7 weeks to investi;ate the transformation of fertilizer-N and straw-N. More than 70% even all of the mineral N was immobilized in the soils incubated only with straw or low rate of N fertilizer under 200C or 300C after 1 week; and immobilization was dominant in the soils during the imubation from 2nd to the week. While Iess N immobilized in soils ineubated with lihlmr rate of N fertilizer after 1 week;and part of the immobilized N was mineralized in the soils incubated under 30℃ during the perind from 2nd to 7th week. It seemes that the immobilization rate of N in the soils decreased with the increase of fertilizer-N added. At the end of incubation 10-50% of fertilizer-N appeared as miniral-N in the soils with higher rates of N fertilizer. About 50-60% of the fertilizer-N and similar range of straw-N appeared as HCl hydrolpzable N. The immobilization rate decreased with the inerease of organiu matter and total nitrogen contens of the soils and the raising of incubation temperature.
1986, 23(2):106-112.
Abstract:The present paper deals with the ages of ealcrareaus concretions in soils using radiocarbon dating method and.the relationship between the age and chemical composition of the calcareous concretions. The factors effecting the genesis of the calcareous concretions, such as ground water, class material weathered from limestone and human activities are discussed.
Fu Minghua , Dai Zhuheng , Cheng Yousong , Gu Zhonglan
1986, 23(2):113-123.
Abstract:In this paper, experiments of phosphate sorption and buffering capacity of the soils collected from the suburbs of Shenghai were conducted, and the phosphate adsorptics index and phosphate fertilizer index were studied. Results obtained showed that phosphate sorption indices calculated from Freundlich, Tempkin and Langmuir equations were closely related with the types and properties of the soils, they could be regarded as an iutportant index for sodl fertility."Phosphate fertilizer index" that reflects buffering capacity of soils was closely related with roil organic matter content, clay content, active Al content and pH value. Results also showed that the adsorption maxima (Xm),P adsorbed at 0.2 ppm and phosphate fertilizer were in a descending order waterlogged paddy soil>stagnating paddy soil>percolating paddy soil>permeable paddy soil>sandy permeable paddy soil.
1986, 23(2):124-131.
Abstract:Results of field experiment applying sweet clovers, wheat straw anti heat in black soil showed that there were significant differences among the ratcs of decompositiun of the oganic materials. The decomposition rate of sweet clover was greater than these of the other two organic materials, and that of peat was the lowcet either in tlic black soil of Harbin or in that of Keshan. The humification coefficient of peat in the soil was the highest, that of wheat straw the second, and that of sweet clover the lowest. Experimental results also showed that application of the organic materials incremnd the contents of humus and nutrients, improved the retention oblity of the soil fo.r nutrient.s, and increased the total C and additional complexing degree of organo-complexes in soil. It was also found that the content of loosely cambineci humus was increased, that of closely-combined humus was decreased, and the humus was activated by application of onganic meterials, and the colloidal characteristics and the fertility art the black soil were improved.
He Jiayuan , Zheng Wenqi , Deng Liuzhen
1986, 23(2):132-141.
Abstract:The contents of trace elements in soils of Henan Province are lower than the average values in soils of China. Owing to diverse parent materials and soil types, the contents of trace elements in the soil fluctuate greatly. The soils are mostly deficient in available B and available Mo. However, the Zn content which belon ges to lower level as compared with other regions varies with different parent materials and soil foaming conditions.The distribution of trace elements in profile varies with elements and soil types, soil pH value is the most important factors affeecting the available availability of trace elements in soil. Available Zn and NIn contents in soil decreases with the increase of pH value, while Mo trends in the contrary way.
Chen Zhixiong , Wang Renzhen , Yang Yuanzhang
1986, 23(2):142-147.
Abstract:The relationship between modules of rupture and moisture content, of three clayey soils within a suction range of 1-15 bars was studied. The results showed that the turning points of moisture content for rupture modules of latosol, red earth amd yellow earth were 25.3%,15.3% and 15.7% respectively. According to the characteristic curves of these soils, taking the moisture contents of the soils at 8 bar as the critical values of the turning point, their errors were less than 1% (dry weight percent) as compared with the measurements. As compared with other 14 typical characteristic curves published in literature, it is suggested that this critical value would be suitable for most sails with the errors less than 2% (dry weight percent).Owing to the turning point of the moisture content far modules of rupture at which the pressure to break down the soil clad increases sngnificantly, this critical value of soil moisture content could be considered as a parameter for the lower limit of sail tillage.
Zhang Junmin , Guo Xindu , Shi Hongyun , Zhang Yugeng
1986, 23(2):148-156.
Abstract:This paper deals with the genetic chracteristics of brown earth in Shandang province, in comparison with cinnlamon soil. The browen earth having been named Shan-Bong brown earth, in fact, includs tow groups, i.e. brown earth and cinnamon soil. The brown earth is widely distributed in Shandong peninsula, while the cinnamon soil is spreaded in the northwest part of this province. And in the transitional area the two groups of soils are often distributed as complex association.
Lin Zengquan , Xu Peng , Peng Jiagui , Zheng Zhongdeng , Fan Qitao
1986, 23(2):157-162.
Abstract:Cold spring paddy soils are the low yielded soils with puddling soil layer formed under strongly reducing condition induced by persistent submergence. Experiment results showed that low ing the ground-water level by deep ditch drainage and controlling the rice disease by applying potassium fertilizer are the effective measures for the improvement of the soils.
1986, 23(2):163-171.
Abstract:The intact section of the acient weathering crust in Sichuan Basin can be delimited inW three strata, i.e, those of elastic clay (the 3rd stratum),the elastic brccia-clastic clay (the 2nd stratum) and the elastic breccia (the 1st stratum).The silt content of the ancient weathering crust is lower by about 15%, the fine clay content higher by more than 80% and the plastic index higher by 2.44-3.02% than those of the purplish soils derived from purple rock in the same region. The ancient weathering crust is relatively stronger in the accumulation of Si, Al, Fe and Ti and leathing of Ca, Mg, K and Na, as compared with its parent rocks underlying.
1986, 23(2):172-178.
Abstract:The present paper deals the application of the cluster analysis method in the basic categories of classification for salt-affected soils on the basis of the analytical data of forty profiles. The results obtained are: 1. According to the coefficients of distance matrix among the samples, the seven genera originally classified can beg reclassified into five genera at 0.08 distance level through cluster analysis.
1986, 23(2):179-183.
1986, 23(2):184-188.
1986, 23(2):189-192.