1991, 28(2):196-201.
Frigid desert soils belong to desert soils formed under freezing conditions which are distributed in the high and cold desert zone of the Northwest Qingzhang plateau with genetic features of coarse particles, silt enrichment, iron accumulated in surface or subsurface horizon and low O. M. content, etc. Besides, gypsum obviously avccumulated in gypsic frigid desert soils. In general, there are three basic genetic horizon: 1) vesicular crust horizon, with a thickness of 1-4 cm and many pores, and being plate or squamase-shaped; 2) ferric compact horizon under vesicular crust horizon, with a thickness of 3-5 cm, contents of free iron, active iron and clay being higher than those of its upper and lower horizons and blocky in structure; and 3) gypsic horizon, with a thickness of 10-20 cm, gypsum content of 12-25% even 40% somewhere and good crvstallizatian. Thus, gypsic frigid desert soils are classified as a subgroup of frigid desert soils vccording to the presence of typical gypsic horizon.