1991, 28(3):249-259.
The world has a total rice-growing area of 9.7 million hectares and a total rice production of 468 million tons, of which Asia constitutes 89.6% and 91.6% respectively. In rice production, there are mainly two cropping systems, i.e., double-cropping rice system (2 or 3 crops a year) and single-cropping rice system (1 or 2 crops a year). With expansion of the rice growing area and changing of the cropping syseem, the proLlem of soil and Water management in the rice-cropping system is becoming more and more prominent which is chiefly refiected in the following 3 aspects: improvement of soil physical propertices, rationalization of irrigtlion and drainage, and coordination of soil nutrients. In rice cultivation, the pudding of cultivated layer and the percolating of plough pan are 2 major problems, to which solutions lie in the adoption of minimum tillage, non-tillage, paddy-upland crop rotation and application of coarser organic mcnures. In the water management and irrigation of paddy fields, different irrigation methods such as shallow irrigation, deep irrigation, moistinb irrigation and sunning are adopted, in light of tlae soil conditions and water requirement of rice.