Abstract:The contents of organic matter and humus increase in order of the profile1-profile2-profile, of the three paddy soils derived from red earth. The carbon/nitrogen and humic acid/fulvic acid ratios increase in the same order. The composition of clay minerals of three paddy soils shows no obvious difference and is similar to their parent soil-red earth. These paddy soils are rich in iron and manganese oxides, especially in the illuvial horizon. Because of intense redoxing and eluviation-illuviation processes in soil, the distinct segregation of iron and manganese occurs in profile, and there is the most distinct segregation in profile, and the segregation of amorphous iron is most evident in the profiles, the iron in form of crystal segregates regularly also in the three profiles;the ratio of crystalline iron/amorphous iron in the dignostic horizon (w) of profile2 is much higher than that in other horizons, this is rather important for distinction of the genetic types of paddy soil developed under different water regimes. The content of the iron in form of complex compound is related to that of the organic matter. As compared with iron oxide, manganese is more sensitive to the change of redoxing conditions, the segregation of manganese in soil profile tends to be more distinct than that of iron, although the content of manganese in soil is rather low.